Rotary offers the chance for young people to develop personal skills and a better awareness of problems that face the world today. Our club offers Interact and RotaKids clubs at three local schools. Details of these club activities can be found below.
We sponsor candidates on the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) scheme. When possible our Rotary club pays for local young people to attend the week-long course which is run by fully qualified instructors at a centre near Lake Bala in the Snowdonia National Park. The course is designed for 32 young people who are sponsored by Rotary clubs in District 1090 (Thames Valley) for potential young leaders aged between 18 and 25.
Further information on RYLA can be seen on this link which is updated every year.
If you are interested in taking part in RYLA you can contact us via the Contact Us page.
Interact clubs are Youth clubs for young people aged 12 to 18 who work together to help others in the community and across the world, whilst having fun and excitement at the same time. We run currently run Interact clubs at CrosfieldsS school and Leighton Park School in Shinfield, Reading. Interact introduces the young people to the idea of service and giving to the community. While the club members organise their own activities, our members attend their regular meetings to give support and advice. We also involve the Interactors in some of our other activities such as dragon boat racing and fund raising.
RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for children aged 7-12 to make friends and get involved with important activities in the community, all while having a great time in the process.We currently help to run RotaKids Clubs at the Winnersh Primary School and Crosfields School in Reading. The children get a valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting new things. It also brings an exciting and practical approach to supporting the citizenship element of the national curriculum.
Youth Exchange, Camps and Tours
Under this scheme we sponsor, when possible, local young people on Rotary Camps and tours such as alpine climbing and tours of far eastern countries. For more information go to the Youth Exchange website.
The costs to the participants usually include transport to the country, hire of any special equipment and insurance. Lodgings and guides are often provided by local Rotary clubs. This makes the camps inexpensive and gives the exchange students an understanding of the foreign country they would not get from an ordinary holiday there - which is why the Rotary clubs organise them.
Our club has also sent one local youth to Louisiana for two months on a Rotary Service Exchange. This was intended to give him experience to help in his chosen career as well as an amazing cultural experience. See the New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE) website for more information and you can register your interest on the NGSE website.
Although the camps and visits are called exchanges they do not involve any reciprocity.
Rotary clubs arrange a number of competitions for young people. Winners from local competitions go forward to the next level competitions at district, regional and national level. All the competitions are organised by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland - and are run by local Rotary clubs. More information about competitions can be obtained here.